So here we are heading into the final days of the year. Before you shut up shop and relax (or get ready for your most busy time of the year) let’s take a moment to review your year.

We know it’s been quite a year globally, politically, socially and in terms of the economy. But how has it been for you personally and for your business? perhaps it’s been a good year of growing. Perhaps it’s been a year in which you we’re starting up and finding your feet. Perhaps it’s been a tough and challenging year. Perhaps it’s been quite a ‘mixed bag of things’.

Let’s not just think about business it self. That’s just half of the picture how have you been personally – and how have you managed to balance home and business?

My 10min business review will help you pause, reflect, look back, gather the learning from the year and to move ahead. Whether it’s been a glorious year or a very tough and challenging one reflecting and seeing what needs to be addressed, tweaked, changed, built on and learned from will help you over the years ahead.

With best wishes, Rasheed, Coach – Speaker – Author.