• Time for you

Being your own boss with a busy business there can be a huge temptation to plough on through summer without a break. But it’s essential that you take time out. Whether you go on vacation on stay-cation it’s important that you relax, recharge and regroup. This is one of the few opportunities in a year you may get to catch your breath – so seize the moment. What do need: time by the beach, time to catch up on rest and sleep? Check in with yourself and put time in for yourself in your diary.

  • Time for things you love to do

Getting a business up and running has a way of putting everything else on the back burner. Hobbies, interests and pass-times can often become an old memory. Summer time is the perfect time to re-acquaint yourself with them. Be it that you love to paint, go for long walks, play sport, make things, bake things – whatever it is get stuck back in. Very often hobbies and pastime have huge mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. They are part of what makes our lives healthier, happier and more balanced. This may be just the tonic that you need to wind down, de-stress and get excited and re-energised again. Far from being a distraction from business these types of activies will actually boost your energy and productivity levels when you return to business.

  • Time for loved ones too

There is that powerful saying that when all is said and done in your life few people will report that “I wish I’d spent more time in the office.’ Likewise one of the biggest regrets people say is they didn’t spend enough time with loved ones. Now is the time to catch up with friends, family, loved ones, partner and spouses. Let them know that you’re glad that they are there and let them know you care especially if your business has eaten into the time you’d spend with them. Book time to catch up, be spontaneous and above all spend quality time reconnecting.

  • Time for things you ought / need to do

The chances are that there are number of things that you may have put off or forgot through pursing your venture. What really needs doing and what will improve your home, personal and business life? Write a very short and focused list. Sleep, exercise and healthy eating often fall into this list. Appointments with doctors, dentists, opticians and health practitioners is often another. But it may well also be that clearing out your front room, garden or office and computer will also help calm your mind, feel organised and enjoy your free time.

  • Time for a quick review / preview

The summer slowdown can also be a great opportunity to gently reflect on where you’re at and where you’re going. First of all give yourself credit for all that you’ve already achieved along your business journey? Now ask yourself / write down:

  • What’s going well and how can you build on it?
  • What are the challenges and problem areas – and who / what can help you?
  • What are the 2-3 priorities that would give you / your business a boost

Gently reflect on the answers and they’ll give you a great starting point for when you return after your summer break.

Whatever you do have a wonderful, relaxing and enjoyable summer. Taking time out can actually be one of the most powerful ways of bringing energy, purpose, balance and perspective back into your business.

Rasheed Ogunlaru is a leading life/business coach, motivational speaker and author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business