Time Out!

Time Out!

Ok Time Out! We hear it in sport don’t we and maybe it’s time for you to take a time out in your business. In what way do you need to take a time out? Is it about taking a holiday/vacation? Is it about taking more regular breaks in the day so you’re...
Time Out!

Time to make a move?

Where are you at right now in your personal and professional life? Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel that some areas need ramping things up? Or do you just feel you need to make a change or broaden your comfort zones. In this podcast leading life / business coach...
Time Out!

Artist & Entrepreneur

Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business invites us to explore two dimensions of ourselves the artist and the entrepreneur. The artist who is the creative, inspiration, essence and life blood/balance aspect of what we do...