Getting your message out there, marketing / promoting your business and winning customers can seem complex, challenging and confusing. It can especially seem that way if your new to business, new to your field or new / not used to promoting yourself and what you do. But it’s worth remembering 3 simple tips that I highlight in the book Soul Trader and that’s being:

1) In Sight: How will your clients and others find you and see you. For this you need a good presence online and in person. Start with your network, then getting networking at apt events, shows, conferences and utilise your website and social media and build fro here.

2) In Mind: Once you’re in sight you need to have something clear, compelling and relevant to say, share and connect with your would be customer. You need to speak their language, understand their concerns and issues and have a product / service that matches and solves the ‘shape’ of their problem so they think of you when they need you. That means you / your product / services need to be memorable.

3) In Heart: This is about be authentic, delivering an exceptional / product or service. Yesterday I spent a day coaching managers from a major high street retail chain. A number of them spoke about ‘delighting your customers’ and that’s what you need to do. A great product with great service is key. Care about your customers not just their case and they will remember you, recommend you, stay loyal to you and refer others to you.

View the video above in which I share these In sight, In Mind, In Heart tips.  I filmed this video for the British Library’s Business & IP Centre where I’m one of the partners delivering workshops and talks for new and established small businesses. By keeping these three steps in mind you’ll be able to focus your time and efforts more mindfully and effectively as you promote, market yourself, build your brand and raise your visibility.

There’s more on how to utilise your network, network effectively and develop powerful co-operation and conversations to win business in Soul Trader.

*Build your business through relationships:  make connections and learn to network strategically, authentically, nerve-free and effectively at Rasheed’s monthly Networking for Success event at the British Library.