Just what is marketing? How do you market your business effectively? What needs is it that your business really meets? How do establish your brand in such a noisy marketplace? How can you compete as a small business?

A few weeks back I recorded a special extra Soul Trader live interview via Google+ with two people who know. Jonathan and Dave both worked for big marketing companies before stepping out on their own are now co-founders of marketing company Peppered Moth working with small companies seeking big growth.

I started off by asking them about their own backgrounds, why they set up in business themselves, what marketing is and to share some tips for Soul Traders, sole traders and small business owners at any stage in their business.

This talk takes a little while to warm up but if you’re at a point where you really are needing to get your head around who you are, what you do, what your product or service is about and where you’re trying to go then  really recommend that you give this a listen.

One of the things I got a strong sense of is that marketing isn’t so much about the tools, techniques, brochures, websites, social media and activities (although of course they come into play as the routes to achieve your goals) but it’s actually about really knowing who you are, who your customer is, what they really need – and what needs your product/service / business really meets and that is what really makes the impact. I hope you enjoy it.