What’s your motivation?

Motivation (together with confidence and focus) is one the biggest and most common issues/ challenges that sole traders, small business owners mention to me when they attend my workshops, talks, masterclasses – and when they approach me for coaching. It is something that affects those at the pre-start, start-up and growth stages of business / being your own boss. Your energy, effectiveness, success and happiness are all linked to it and affected by it.

So how do you motivate yourself and others be it potential customers, contacts, colleagues, suppliers or staff and partners? The key to motivation is knowing what your – and others motives, drivers, desires, values, priorities and purpose is – and honouring and working from this powerful place. Rich, sustained, compassionate motivation is a hallmark of the Soul Trader.

Join me Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business for this insightful podcast to help you re-connect to your motives, motivation, momentum and mission.

Check out more podcasts, free webinars, events, inspiring videos and much more here on www.soul-trader.biz