The Soul Trader Podcast
Enjoy our inspiring podcast while you work, rest, plan, relax, work-out or travel

Run your own Business Away Day
In this episode of the Soul Trader Podcast, Coach-Speaker-Author Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader invites you to take yourself off for your sole trader business away day. Rasheed also shares a few simple tips on how to run your own away day to make it focused, effective and fun. Taking time to have an away day can be inspiring, re-energising, insightful and can help shape new ideas, opportunities and boost creativity and productivity.
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Refresh Your Business
How do you stay inspired, energised, motivated and relevant as a small business owner / sole trader? What elements of your life of business might need a change. In this inspiring and energising episode of the Soul Trader Podcast, Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader shares tips on Refreshing Your Business. He focus on three areas:
1) You – yourself and your health
2) Your products and services
3) Your business structure.
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Self Care and Self Belief
Without self care and self belief you and your business will struggle, stall or fall. In this episode Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader shares some simple but powerful tips to help you to (re)discover and build both of these key ingredients.”Know your magic, trust your magic, use your magic and know that you are a manifestation of life’s magic.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru
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Networking & Mentoring
In this episode, Coach-Speaker-Author, Rasheed Ogunlaru explores the power and importance of networking and mentoring how essential they are for the success, profit and progress of sole traders and micro businesses.
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Energy, Space & Time
Do you often feel stressed, pressurised, unproductive – or that you don’t have enough time? In this insightful Soul Trader podcast episode, Rasheed Ogunlaru explores energy, space and time and how to get the best out of them for your life and business. “Time is finite. It’s by deeply understanding energy and space that we can become truly effective, organised, productive, creative and inspired.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru
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Let Go, Let Be & Let In
Is it time for you to let go, let things be, or let things in? In this latest Soul Trader podcast, coach-speaker-author, Rasheed Ogunlaru explores the importance of these three things in your life and business.
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Soul Trader | 10 Years of Inspiring Entrepreneurs
To mark the 10th Anniversary of publication of Soul Trader, author Rasheed Ogunlaru and editor, Dr Liz Gooster discuss the story behind Soul Trader’s birth and why it continues to be relevant for aspiring and established entrepreneurs.Over the last decade Soul Trader has inspired and empowered thousands of heart people around the world to start and grow authentic, heart-centred businesses and sole trader ventures. It has also give rise to the Soul Trader podcast, resource, webinars events and retreats.
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Break, Escape, Reconnect | Podcast
Is it time for you to take a break, escape in some way or reconnect to yourself, your passion and your unique path? In this Soul Trader podcast and video Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader and founder of will help you take that time and make that space to help you refresh and move ahead.
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Your unique business, journey & story
What’s your unique business, journey and story? Every soul trader is unique. By embodying your business, embracing your journey and articulating your unique story you can really flourish say Coach-Speaker-Author Rasheed Ogunlaru. Tune in now and join Rasheed as we explore your journey and your magic.
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In this latest Soul Trader podcast Rasheed Ogunlaru explores balance: life, business, finance, wellbeing…and more.
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Business Lessons
In this inspiring and empowering episode of the Soul Trader podcast, Coach-Speaker-Author, Rasheed Ogunlaru invites us to pause, reflect and consider all the business lessons that you have learned along your journey so far. The Soul Trader podcast series is inspired by Rasheed’s internationally acclaimed book Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business.
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Talent, disability & equality | Inspiring interviews: Jane from EvenBreak
In this inspiring Soul Trader Podcast, Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader interviews Jane Hatton Founder of EvenBreak. Evenbreak is a social enterprise run for and by disabled people which helps inclusive employers attract and retain talented disabled candidates. Jane shares her story from working in diversity and inclusion, to suffering a life-changing spinal injury, to creating a thriving social enterprise to achieve greater, equality and diversity …all started during one of the most challenging times of her life.
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A healer’s journey…
What does it take to start and run your own complimentary therapy business / centre – or a social enterprise? In this latest Soul Trader podcast, Coach-Speaker-Author Rasheed Ogunlaru interviews Karen Burke, co-founder of The Mind Body Therapy Centre and author of The Calming Book of Healing Hugs.
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You Are Your Brand
In this inspiring episode Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader talks about the importance of embracing your own unique magic, passion, purpose and calling to shape your business and build your brand.
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Space, Structure, Serendipity
In this special episode of the Soul Trader podcast, Coach-Speaker-Author, Rasheed Ogunlaru shares the magic of space, structure and serendipity yourself, your wellbeing and your business.
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The 5 Greatest Gifts
In this special podcast coach/speaker Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader presents and explores the 5 Greatest Gifts. Each of them are free but overlooking our misusing them can be costly.
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Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 | Worldliness
It’s Global Entrepreneurship Week 2020 and I dedicate this episode to each and every one of you across the globe: self employed, entrepreneur, artist, creative, entrepreneur, maker, small business owner, social and ethical entrepreneur.
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Change: Autumn / Fall
As the seasons change Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader invites you to consider this season, change and your own stage in your life, business and journey.
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The Business of The Heart
In this inspiring episode Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader explores the magic, power and importance of business from the heart.
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Interim & Emergency Planning | for You & Your Business
Challenges, crises and emergencies can emerge at anytime in your business life and personal life. Some can be anticipated, planned around, offset and mitigated.
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7 Types of Courage
In this insightful, inspiring and practical new podcast episode, Coach-Speaker-Author Rasheed Ogunlaru explores 7 Types of Courage.
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A New Decade Begins
As we step into the 2020’s begin leading life, business and leadership coach Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader invites us to embrace the new decade.
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New Decade Ahead
As this year and decade slowly heads to an end, coach-speaker-author Rasheed Ogunlaru invites us to first reflect, consolidate, gather all the learning and then look and prepare for the new decade ahead.
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Take a break, Stock-take or Work Away?
You have three choices of what you should be doing right now in your business or career: take a break and recharge; take stock of where you and your business are at and what’s worth celebrating / needs addressing.
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Changes Part 1
In this, the latest Soul Trader Podcast, coach-speaker-author Rasheed Ogunlaru explores change, transition and the flow of life, business and time.
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In our 24-7, 365 world of business, busyness, media, social media, demands, distractions, people, pressure, personalities …. it can be very difficult to focus.
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Putting the heart back…
It’s very easy to lose heart – or lose connection with it for a while: in your life, in your business, in your relationships, in your business dealings, with you finances, with operational matters, in your career.
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All Change Please
In this latest Soul Trader Podcast, Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business invites you to explore and embrace change; personally, throughout your life and in business and industry.
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Try as we might to avoid it, ignore it or deny it there are no certainties in life …and that includes business.
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Intention – Compassion – Transformation
In this latest Soul Trader podcast, Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business explores the importance and power of intention, compassion and transformation.
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New Season, Fresh Mindset
As the Spring season begins do you need a new mindset to accompany it?
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Frozen, Flowing & Free
In this latest podcast, Coach-Speaker-Author Rasheed Ogunlaru author or Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business explores our different states of being personally, in our mindsets and in our business.
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Business & Consciousness | New Podcast
Why are you here? Why are you your own boss – or why did you start up your own business? Why are you on this journey? Why are you doing what you’re doing? What’s the purpose and value of what you’re doing?
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Seasons Change
This latest podcast – recorded at the change in season as Autumn/Fall begins – is all about change: the seasons changing, changes that may be happening in your business, industry, customer changes, your home/ personal life – changes in your changes that you wish to make or need to make.
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Tune in to our latest inspiring and insightful podcast in which Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader explores leadership: What is it? Where are you on your journey? How skilled and able are you – and what crew do you need to get you to your destination?
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Focus & Flow
Do you ever have times where you feel stuck? Times when you’re trying to force things to happen and other times where there things seem to unfold and flow very well – seemingly all on there own?
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Falling in love with your business
“When it comes to business ‘love’ is not said, used or expressed often enough” – Rasheed Ogunlaru, coach Speaker and author of Soul Trader Putting the Heart Back into Your Business
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Happy New Year 2017
As the New Year begins our first podcast “Happy New Year” explores those three powerful words:
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2016 Review & You
As the year begins to close, Coach- Speaker -Author Rasheed Ogunlaru invites and guides you through a quick, insightful review of your year.
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Material – Emotional – Spiritual
In this Soul Trader podcast, coach – speaker – author Rasheed Ogunlaru explores the material, emotional and spiritual dimensions of life and business – and highlights the importance of being aware of and balancing them.
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Your words and deeds
“What people say and think about you when you’ve left the room is your job while your in it” – Rasheed Ogunlaru
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Your legacy while you are here
“Legacy is not what’s left tomorrow when you’re gone. It’s what you give, create, impact and contribute today while you’re here that then happens to live on.”- Rasheed Ogunlaru
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Believe in YOU
From all the noise in the UK Referendum, the US Presidential Elections and the UK leaving the EU- whatever happens today and next year, in business the secret to your success and survival to believe in you.
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What’s your motivation?
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Your life, your business
We only start a become or own boss or start a business because of how it chimes with us as part of what we want to achieve or enjoy as part of our lives as a whole. But for some reason we often forget this in all the busy-ness.
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Going with your flow
We hear a lot about going with the flow. This is very important indeed but how attuned are you to your own flow? It’s in the alignment and merging of the two that real magic can happen in your life, business and career.
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Fear & courage in life & business
Having doubts and fears are commonplace along the journey of being your own boss. Finding the courage to start out, leave an often comfortable job and to walk and grow the uncertain path of being in business can be daunting.
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2016: The year ahead… step by step
In this, the fist Soul Trader podcast of 2016, leading life coach – motivational speaker – business coach, Rasheed Ogunlaru helps you to take a moment to be still, stock-take, gain space, strategise and look at some key simple steps to help you love forward throughout the year ahead.
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A very good year!
In this latest Soul Trader podcast leading life coach, speaker and business coach Rasheed Ogunlaru invites you to reflect, review and harness the learning from your last year to help you progress throughout the next.
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Why?…. are you here and on this path?
Some say the most important question to ask in life is “Who am I?” and the “Why am I here?” Certainly in business and on the journey of being your own boss being clear on why you’re doing what you’re doing is key. It is clarifies it energises. It helps you to mobile and get going and keep going and to really make a mark.
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Making your own luck
“Stop expecting life to bring you opportunities and when you start bringing opportunities to life” – Rasheed Ogunlaru
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Celebration & Appreciation
As the much-loved book Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business celebrates it’s third birthday, the book’s author leading life coach, speaker and business/corporate coach Rasheed Ogunlaru discusses the essential importance of celebration and appreciation throughout your life, career and business.
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Tips from the Dragon’s Den
In our latest podcast coach, speaker and Soul Trader author Rasheed Ogunlaru is joined by guest yoga-teacher-tuned-entrepreneur, Thierry Giunta, inventor of BeamBlock Yoga.
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Back to Business…
As the seasons shift and the holidays ends it’s back to school, back to work and back to business.
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Shifting Seasons
“Nature will tell you about your true nature”
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Time Out!
We hear it in sport don’t we and maybe it’s time for you to take a time out in your business. In what way do you need to take a time out?
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Time to make a move?
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Where are you at right now in your personal and professional life? Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel that some areas need ramping things up? Or do you just feel you need to make a change or broaden your comfort zones.Subscribe: RSS | Subscribe to the Soul Trader Podcast

Putting the heart back into your business
Every year I meet thousands of people through my coaching work, speaking, workshops, seminars, training sessions and talks.
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Artist & Entrepreneur
Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business invites us to explore two dimensions of ourselves the artist and the entrepreneur.
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Appreciate the things you dislike or hate
One of the things that makes business stand distinct from a typical career is that it is a real blend of differing skills and disciplines.
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Leadership and your business
The recent general election results in the UK has changed the political landscape and will lead in turn to a changes in leadership of the several political parties.
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“Despite all our abilities, ingenuity, industry, creativity and technology we humans are the one species who have not mastered the art of simplicity.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru, Life / Business Coach – Speaker – Author, Soul Trader – Putting the Heart Back into Your Business.
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Forget the outcome, focus on the input
Sometimes we are so focused on the outcome that we want to achieve that we forget the input that we need to energetically put in for it to really be magical.
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Slowing down
In today’s fast-paced world where so many have busy lives, busy minds and all sorts of business ideas and pressures it’s the ability to be still, centred, slow down and step back that may well (ironically) help you advance more effectively.
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Instinct & intuition
Leading life coach / speaker and business coach Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader explores the place and power of intelligence, instinct and intuition and invites us to move beyond merely relying on intellect alone in living our lives and running our business.
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Spring clean your life, mind & business
Move from complexity to simplicity. Recorded at the start of the Spring, in this podcast leading life / business coach, Rasheed Ogunlaru, author of Soul Trader invites you to spring clean your life, your mind and your business in order create space, simplicity and new possibilities.
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Same old routine?
How do you run you business day-by-day and week-by-week? How effective and productive do you feel you are? Do you feel bogged down be your routine or liberated by it? Is it time to tighten up your timetable or in fact to loosen things up a bit?
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Let them fall in love with your business
There are so many songs about love, films about love – and there’s even Valentine’s Day – a whole day (and growing industry) dedicated to love. But how is it that you can make people fall in love with your business, product or service?
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Networking for Success
Are you networking or not working? In many ways that’s the question when it comes to being your own boss. Why? because like it or loathe it networking in person – and to some extent at least online too – is key for your visibility, connectivity and to build the contacts, connections, opportunities and customers that you need to start and grow your business / venture. It can also help you punch above your weight as a sole trader or small business owner.
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What you win when you lose!
Even the greatest of champions suffer defeats. As a life / business coach – as I might if I were a sporting coach – I work with those who may win a race one day and lose the next. Life by it’s very nature has it’s ups a downs. In the Courage chapter when I talk about adopting the ‘Attitude of an Athlete’ where we grow from triumphs and trials alike.
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Your life’s work
Are you doing a day’s work or your life’s work? That is the question. It’s important in business and in a career.
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The magic of serendipity
In the previous Soul Trader podcast ‘Get organised’ we focused on the importance of strategy, structure, systems and support. But space, simplicity, silence, openness, flexibility, freedom, inspiration, instinct, intuition and creativity are also key to progress, success and fulfilment.
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Get organised!
You may have the best ideas, dreams and strategy but unless you are clear, focused and organised your dreams, schemes and wishes will come to very little. As a coach working with clients throughout the year I’m mindful that it’s in the day to activity, mindset, habits, systems and support that the success of your business overall rests.
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What’s love got do with it?
Business is often seen as tough and competitive – and the words love and businesses aren’t often used together. But here in this podcast business coach /motivational speaker Rasheed Ogunlaru author of Soul Trader highlights how love is an essential ingredient for sustained business success and personal happiness.
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The 7 principles of being a Soul Trader
Rasheed Ogunlaru talks about what to expect from the brand new Soul Trader podcast, talks about the 7 principles of being a Soul Trader, and gets you ready for the Soul Trader journey.
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