Believe in YOU

Believe in YOU

From all the noise in the UK Referendum, the US Presidential Elections and the UK leaving the EU- whatever happens today and next year, in business the secret to your success and survival to believe in you. In this inspiring, insightful and energising podcast, Rasheed...
Believe in YOU


What’s your motivation? Motivation (together with confidence and focus) is one the biggest and most common issues/ challenges that sole traders, small business owners mention to me when they attend my workshops, talks, masterclasses – and when they...
Believe in YOU

Your life, your business

We only start a become or own boss or start a business because of how it chimes with us as part of what we want to achieve or enjoy as part of our lives as a whole. But for some reason we often forget this in all the busy-ness. To mark the return of his popular Soul...
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